Things to cheer you up when you're having a bad day

Emma: The reality of being human is that we get to experience more emotional ups and downs than we would on a roller coaster. When we are at the top of the tracks after a long uphill struggle, when everything is going right in life, we feel on top of the world! But when the brakes are released and the carriage goes hurtling downwards, it's nice to have a helping hand when things get tough. For this reason, me and Laur have decided to write a few quick tips on how to make the best out of a bad situation.

A genuine picture of us both looking sad

As I'm sitting here writing this, I can fully sympathise with every one of you girls and guys out there who are reading this and feeling pretty poo, as that is my general mood tonight! 

After a day which should have been great (hello, shopping) turned into a not so great day (hello, arguments with the boyfriend) my stressed out brain got ticking, as it usually does, with thoughts of how I can turn these feelings into a blog post. And what better than a post that I can look back on during future bad days for guidance on how to turn that frown upside down. 

1) Do something you enjoy, or are good at

For me, this tip is of mega importance and one which I haven't seen floating around the internet much. One of the best ways to cheer yourself up is to engage yourself in whatever hobby makes you the happiest. This could be painting, dancing, photography, or like me and Laur; writing! The idea is that doing something that you're good at will ultimately make you feel better about yourself, which is a huge mood booster. 

2) Relaxxzzzzz

Read and repeat these steps:

Take off your clothes. Put on your warmest, most fluffiest pair of pyjamas (who cares if it's baking hot outside- snowman pyjamas are most definitely allowed) 

Turn off your phone, laptop, and anything else that connects you to the outside world. 

Stick the tv on to your favourite channel.  Lay back, and relax. 

Sometimes, a duvet is all you need to feel better
Sometimes, connections to the outside world, such as through Facebook, can increase our stress levels. For example, imagine that you're having a terrible day. Your sister wakes you up at 5 in the morning and you can't get back to sleep, then you go to school before quickly realising that yesterday's homework hasn't been done and your teacher is going to go c-r-a-z-y. 

Your brand new bag- which was also super expensive- then decides to break on you, and you have to spend the remainder of your school day carrying everything round in a supermarket bag. 

By the time you get home, you're done with the day and ready for bed already. But when you sign in to Facebook, it's only to see that Becky from your school (rich, clever, looks like a princess and is dating the guy you fancy) has aced her mock exams, and 20 of your friends have jetted off on tropical holidays. 

Now, not only do you feel terrible about your day, but you feel even worse knowing that there are people out there who just seem to get all the luck. So on that note, social media is a big no-no. 

3) Eat, eat eat

My all-time favourite chocolates in one box- just what I need
Now before anyone goes crazy at me, I'm not encouraging binge eating here or anything like that! However, as it has been scientifically proven that lack of food in the body can make us feel angry, stressed and in a low mood, it's only right that I include this tip in our post (you know, for scientific purposes, ahem). So, girls and boys, it's time to grab your ice cream spoons and tuck in to a nice big tub of Ben and Jerry's.

That's not to say me and Laur aren't fans of healthy snacking foods too. Our blog post on our top 5 healthy snacking foods is coming soon!

Laura: When Em asked me to contribute to this post, I jumped at the chance of doing so because, despite being a professional moper, I've also had enough practice cheering myself up over the years to know what works best in putting a smile back on my face. All of the points Em has mentioned work a treat for me, as well as a few more of my own that never fail to make me forget about my bad day.

4.) Retail therapy

I wish this was money in my purse... instead it's evidence of my shopping habit
There's not much that can beat the excitement of scouring the shops for the latest beauties to get your hands on. I'm guilty of embarking on my fair few shopping trips because I've 'been feeling a bit down' or I 'need to treat myself' and I'm not even sorry. Admiring my new purchases at the end of the trip is a totally great distraction from anything that's bothering you.

However, I think this post should come with a little add on: Warning, proceed with caution! Shop at your own risk! Despite shopping trips working wonders in lifting my mood, I must highlight the importance of only shopping when you have money. You're only going to feel worse if you've managed to shop £200 further into your overdraft, even if you momentarily feel happy with your new purchases.  

5.) Exercise

The only trainers I own: these grey ones from New Look. Love!
I can almost hear Em laughing at me now as I write this, because although I was a motivated gym bunny for a period of time last summer, the only exercise I do now (other than a not-so-weekly Saturday morning jog with Brad) is walking up the stairs to my flat. 

However, I'm planning to start back up on some more serious exercise soon- I'm talking squats to get my bum in shape for my holiday- because I know how much of a general mood-lifter it can be. 

If you're having a particularly bad day, I recommend boxercise. Pounding repeatedly on something soft, or even just the air in front of you, is a great way to literally fight off any stress (and feel free to picture your soft pounding item as someone's face).

6.) Pamper yourself

Boots natural collection passionfruit body lotion: current favourite!
When was the last time you gave yourself some me-time? If you can't remember, then this tip especially applies to you. 

There's nothing like a little bit of self-love to make yourself better when you're feeling low. Jump in the bath with a lush bath bomb, give yourself a much-needed pedicure or slap on some scented body lotion and a face mask. Turn on some soothing music and you've got yourself the perfect date with yourself.

It's surprising how much better you will feel after even the smallest of pamper sessions. It's so important to look after your body, and give it the attention it's worth, as a happy body equals a happy mind. Taking the time to relax and focus on yourself is a guaranteed way to lift that mood!

Until next time,

Laura and Emma x


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