What it's like having a boyfriend when you're a twin

Emma: Hi guys, it's Emma here! I thought I'd kick off our blog with a post about what it's like for me and Laur to date guys and how being a twin affects this. This is very significant to us at the minute as we both have a boyfriend and there's plenty of crazy myths and assumptions circling round about what it's actually like.

One of our lazy nights
Just as a brief overview, I'll tell you a little bit about my boyfriend, Ryan. We've been together for just over a year and a half now after we met at our job at Alton Towers. About 50 other people got together at Towers as well but we're pretty much the last couple standing (seriously guys, if you're British and looking for love, Towers is the place to be).

Ryan is 23 and lives on his own in a nice modern flat close to my house, though technically I'm there so often that he hasn't got much time to feel lonely! He's weird and crazy, which means we fit together like a jigsaw puzzle; we share so many inside jokes together that everyone must think we're mad. 

Although we have our differences, we both love to travel, eat out and visit new places so we're lucky to have a hell of a lot of adventures together (I'll tell you guys more about these in the future). I'm going to pass my laptop over to Laura for a second so she can enlighten you guys about her boyfriend, Brad. Seeya! 

Laura: So, what can I tell you about me and Brad's relationship? I suppose I should start with the thing that causes most people to raise their eyebrows judgmentally when I tell them (which is also on our bio, if you've read it)- me and Brad met in a club on a night out. 

We don't look like this all the time, I promise...
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a liiittle bit on the tipsy side when I first saw him. I was pulling my best moves on the dance floor, Uptown Funk was blasting from the speakers, and I was having a great time.

My confident side that really comes out when I'm not quite sober came out, and when he smiled at me, I gestured him over. I guess the rest is history! 

People always say no guy you meet on a night out is worth your time, but Brad managed to prove them all wrong. He's honest, silly, sweet and caring, and now he's in my life, I don't know what I'd do without him.

We have an insane amount of things in common, and I'm still finding myself surprised at discovering another little trait we both share, or something we both adore. 

The main thing that sets Brad out from other guys to me is his passion for things; he wants to go places in life instead of sitting on his backside working nine-to-five in a job he doesn't really like but sticks at because "it pays the bills". And, of course, he shares my dream of moving to California with me at some point in the future, so he's a keeper!

Emma: Separate relationships aside, the real reason you're reading this post is to find out what it's like having a boyfriend when you're a twin, and we're here to tell you. First, the positives:

There's always someone to double date with

As cheesy as it sounds, there's nothing better than double dating with the twin and her boyf. As me and Ryan are always out for meals (we practically live at Pizza Hut) it's nice to have some more company every so often, as it is usually a chance for me to catch up with Laur about how uni is going, and for her to ask me about my job. It helps that both Brad and Ryan are super friendly so we all find it easy to chat and have a laugh together. 

There's always someone to help you through the tough times in your relationship 

And who better to relate to you than your own twin? No relationship is perfect, so when me and Ryan have the odd fall out (or vice versa with Laura and Brad) it's helpful to have someone to talk to about what to do. Some people have their best friend; I have Laur. Being able to talk to my twin about these things is super fab as I know that she will always be honest, even if it means her turning to me and saying 'Em, you have acted like a crazy psycho b*tch'. 

Laura: But, like everything, being in a relationship as a twin has its downsides. I don't mean the relationships threatening sort; most of them are actually pretty humorous. So here are a few negatives me and Em have experienced so far:
Sometimes you get really concerned that they've mistaken you for your twin.

Em's ex (he who shall not be named) once walked up to me with the lovey-dovey expression he used for her on his face and I thought, 'oh God, I'm for it now'. I panicked, wondering if it would be more awkward for me to point out my true identity, or to just suck it up and accept the kiss I knew was coming my way. Instead, I acted distracted by something else until Em saved the day and made an appearance. 

Luckily, Brad has never made any accidental advances at Em so far! But if he saw her on her own without me, would things be different? Possibly so. To be honest, I'd probably find it really funny if it happened.

There's an unspoken competition over who can get the first boyfriend.

And Em definitely won this one. She had two boyfriends before I even had a proper relationship! 

Before I met Brad, I genuinely felt as if I was going to be single forever, and I couldn't understand why Em seemed to be getting all the luck. But I guess it was just spending the entire of high school labeled 'the twins' that made us more of a novelty than actual human beings at the time, and it only took splitting us up at college to allow us to branch out a bit. That's when people began to notice I actually existed, anyway. 

So if there is anyone out there who's 18 and never had a relationship, don't worry- that was me not long ago! Relationships are so random and that's why some people go through so many, whereas others don't even have the one until they're a bit older. And I always say that the longer you wait, the more chance you have of Mr Right coming along the first time.

You worry that they find your twin more attractive. 

This was definitely my case at the start of my relationship with Brad, back when I was still self-conscious and trying not to act too weird in case I scared him off. 

I've always thought Em was prettier with me (she has a smaller nose for a start- so unfair!) and like I mentioned before, she'd already had two boyfriends by the time I'd met Brad, whereas all I'd had was something you couldn't even call a relationship a few months before.

When Brad met Em, my inner voice was yelling: "He's going to find her more attractive!" If he'd found me attractive, and Em is, in my opinion, my prettier double, surely he'd find her even more so? But apparently not, as according to Brad, me and Em 'don't even look similar'. Which, to be honest, is the sort of answer I'd hope he'd give truthfully. 

So there you have it- the positives and negatives of being a twin in a relationship. There are probably plenty more that we missed, and more that will come over the years, but hopefully that gave you guys some sort of idea of what it's like to date as a twin. So long for now,

Emma and Laura x


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